To escape from hunger and drought, Yar Mohammad Sistani goes to the north of Iran with his pregnant wife, he goes to his old friend Miroli, to work as a fisherman. He doesn't know that the fishing in that area is under the control of a neckbreaker named
... Traub, he goes to the sea and stands against Traub. After the earthquake, Yar Mohammad's wife, who had just given birth, died, and Varesh, a young widow, who had also just given birth, died, and for many years he dreamed of marrying her. Yar Mohammad and Varash, who now both have fatherless babies, get married at the insistence of Miroli and his wife. Torab, who is upset, makes a plan to get Yar Mohammad out of the way, but an event that no one expects has happened and fate It binds people together. After some time, when Varsh realized that Tarab was the murderer of Yar Mohammad, he decided to kill him...
To escape from hunger and drought, Yar Mohammad Sistani goes to the north of Iran with his pregnant wife, he goes to his old friend Miroli, to work as a fisherman. He doesn't know that the fishing in that area is under the control of a neckbreaker named Traub, he goes to the sea and stands against Traub. After the earthquake, Yar Mohammad's wife, who had just given birth, died, and Varesh, a young widow, who had also just given birth, died, and for many years he dreamed of marrying her. Yar Mohammad and Varash, who now both have fatherless babies, get married at the insistence of Miroli and his wife. Torab, who is upset, makes a plan to get Yar Mohammad out of the way, but an event that no one expects has happened and fate It binds people together. After some time, when Varsh realized that Tarab was the murderer of Yar Mohammad, he decided to kill him...
یارمحمد سیستانی برای گریختن از گرسنگی و خشکسالی به همراه همسر باردارش به شمال ایران میرود پیش همشهری و دوست قدیمیش میرولی می رود،تا حرفه ماهیگیری را پیشه کند. او که نمیداند ماهیگیری آن منطقه در سلطه گردنکشی به نام تراب است، به دریا میزند و در برابر تراب میایستد. در پی زلزله زن یار محمد که تازه وضع حمل کرده میمیرد، وارش بیوه جوان که او نیز تازه زایمان کرده است و سالها تراب در خیال ازدواج با او بوده است. یار محمد و وارش که حالا هر دو نوزادهای بدون پدرومادر دارند با اصرار میرولی و همسرش باهم ازدواج می کنند.تراب که ناراحت شده است نقشهای میچیند تا یارمحمد را از سر راه بردارد، اما اتفاقی که هیچکس انتظارش را نمیکشد، از راه رسیده و سرنوشت آدمها را به هم پیوند میزند.پس از مدتی وارش که متوجه شده که تراب قاتل یارمحمد بوده تصمیم به قتل او می گیرد...