At the beginning of the 14th century, when the Shah noticed the emerging movements related to women's rights in the country, he gave a special mission to one of his courtiers and...
At the beginning of the 14th century, when the Shah noticed the emerging movements related to women's rights in the country, he gave a special mission to one of his courtiers and...
واسه یکی از دخترای میرزا خواستگار اومده و میرزا پیِ راهیه بلکه صاحبجان به این خواستگار نه بگه! از طرفی ضیا طپانچه بهدست میخواد سلیمو که تو نظمیه کتکش زده ترور کنه! اون وَرم دلبر جان و میرزا دارن عضو میگیرن واسه کانون بانوان! که یهو یکی سروکلّهش پیدا میشه…
Casts of Shabake Makhfi Zanan - Season 1 : Episode 7